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Colloborate Between Construction Teams and Engineers.

The Matterport Pro2 3D Camera captures 2D photography and 3D data from job sites, and automatically stitches them into a complete, immersive 3D model of a real-world job site. Take this 3D model and annotate, share, and export the point cloud to Autodesk ReCap® or Revit®, or take a virtual walkthrough using a simple VR headset.Engineer

Quicker than 3D laser scanning, more complete than handheld 3D scanners, each 360° sweep takes less than a minute. Scans are automatically registered and stitched into a textured mesh in hours.

Accurate to within 1%*. Scanning is not only quick but also accurate enough to generate point clouds and polygons for as-builts and construction documentation.

*Under normal operating conditions. De-calibration, abnormal temperatures and other factors may reduce accuracy.

Callouts may be used to highlight specific areas of the construction project. These can link to websites, images, videos, or documents.

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